Lindsay C. Nygaard
Bierstadt Moraine Trail (RMNP)
Blue Jay #2
Asian Lady Beetle on Ponytail Palm
Barred Owl #3
Sheep Lakes. Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Zinnia
Three Marigolds and Bumblebee
Bird portraits
Ladybug and Tendril
Great Blue Heron
Jimson Weed #4
View of Half Dome from Yosemite Valley
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Galapagos Finches
Barn Owl #2 (perched)
Barn Owl in flight
Two Mourning Doves
Turkey Vulture portrait
Green Frog #5
Three Emus
Yellow Tulip
Lindsay C. Nygaard
Bierstadt Moraine Trail (RMNP)
Blue Jay #2
Asian Lady Beetle on Ponytail Palm
Barred Owl #3
Sheep Lakes. Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Zinnia
Three Marigolds and Bumblebee
Bird portraits
Ladybug and Tendril
Great Blue Heron
Jimson Weed #4
View of Half Dome from Yosemite Valley
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Galapagos Finches
Barn Owl #2 (perched)
Barn Owl in flight
Two Mourning Doves
Turkey Vulture portrait
Green Frog #5
Three Emus
Yellow Tulip
Snapshots of the paintings from beginning to end.
Bierstadt Moraine Trail (RMNP)
Bierstadt Moraine Trail (RMNP)
Blue Jay #2
Blue Jay #2
Asian Lady Beetle on Ponytail Palm
Asian Lady Beetle on Ponytail Palm
Barred Owl #3
Barred Owl #3
Sheep Lakes. Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Sheep Lakes. Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Zinnia
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Zinnia
Three Marigolds and Bumblebee
Three Marigolds and Bumblebee
Bird portraits
Bird portraits
Ladybug and Tendril
Ladybug and Tendril
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Jimson Weed #4
Jimson Weed #4
View of Half Dome from Yosemite Valley
View of Half Dome from Yosemite Valley
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Galapagos Finches
Galapagos Finches
Barn Owl #2 (perched)
Barn Owl #2 (perched)
Barn Owl in flight
Barn Owl in flight
Two Mourning Doves
Two Mourning Doves
Turkey Vulture portrait
Turkey Vulture portrait
Green Frog #5
Green Frog #5
Three Emus
Three Emus
Yellow Tulip
Yellow Tulip